BENEFIT OF MEDITATION FOR BRAIN There are five different Brain Waves of Person: Alpha, Beta, Delta, Theta, and Gamma When someone starts to perform meditation every day, the magnetic fields of the brain of the person in focus, which is said to jumpstart the healing of tissues, bones, and other body parts. We can attain several benefits by Meditation for the brain by regulating the energy of brain waves. Alpha waves occur in our brain when the brain is in a resting position, such as when we are sitting still at the time we are at alpha state. When we are thinking of different thoughts, or when we are feeling little sleeping. Alpha is related to the “Power of Now’’. It means we are in still position or in present. These alpha waves are very useful in aiding the overall mental coordination by converting our mid in calmness with mind and body integration. Meditation helps us to stay calm with alpha waves. Beta waves are always present in a being’s normal waking state of co...