Unlock Doors to Happiness and Mind Fullness With Meditation
It is said, that happiness is found within your own soul not outside and meditation is a beacon of light to fulfill it within yourself by balancing mind, body and soul.
Firstly you need to understand what happiness actually mean:
Happiness is not A desire
Happiness is not A thing
Happiness is not A person
Happiness is just An emotion

The major precept of Meditation is that you understand that you just need to heal yourself not the environment that keeps you in control no - matter how worst the situation is.This is achieved after regular practice of meditation. You go through with vast changes in your daily perception and through the acquisition and application of knowledge and understanding you carry.
You cannot heal any situation today until there is no healing of your body or a mind, or soul and meditation helps you to attain that hence, unlocks the door to happiness and mindfulness.
Wow,Nice Article !!! Great explanation of Mindfulness!